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It's now September of 2023.  What you're about to digest is content I put together, sometime between 2013 and 2016.  I've also included on this page, a small library of old videos with Praying Mantis Man and other Mantis beings, hence the reason I call this section of my website, Abbey's Ancient History.  You'll also find links to several flip-books worth of my old blog writing along with a list of links to more Interdimensional Visitors I've met along the way.  While this is still, Abbey's Ancient History, I anticipate adding a twist of modern updates to breath life back into the old material.  Keep an eye on my Website Updates to see where I'm putting my energy each month.  It may just reference a re-visit and expansion to this section as I would certainly love to add updated stories and videos for each of my alien friends.

Thank you for your kind interest in my strange life stories! 




I created this picture of Praying Mantis Man with Sharpie Markers back in 2016.


I wanted to tell you about a new visitor.  I mentioned this was going to happen the last time I wrote, that Avery would be introducing me to his other forms, at least that’s what he told me.  As a side note, our soul is infinite and in infinity there is no such thing as past, present, and future, all moments are taking place simultaneously, so any physical form that Avery’s soul has ever inhabited, it’s existence in any time and place is just as real as our understanding of the present moment.  Also, our souls are infinite and do have the capacity to reside within more than one physical form at a time.

All that being said, I can tell you that I have officially met a praying mantis creature.  I had read about them, and from what I’ve read, it hasn’t always been the best outcome between human beings and praying mantis creatures.  And I often thought the idea of a giant stick bug approaching me was slightly terrifying, so it seemed to make sense that praying mantis creatures would be up to no good.  Well, I have cheerful news, this is completely incorrect, so I’m going to describe the praying mantis creature I met and tell you what they are like.  I also want to mention too, that I’m definitely convinced that not all praying mantis creatures are bad, just like not all human beings are bad.  It seems to depend on the soul and the soul memories and current life experience memories, and then also the physical form.  Some alien forms, their natural instincts and emotional understandings are not the same as humans, so they would be inclined to do things we would see are bad.  But also, if we just look at our human species, some physical forms were not created with balance and can be more prone to hostility than gentility, so it’s not always a soul thing.  Just think about people who have had a spike go through their brain and survive.  You hear stories about the most pious people turning into complete assholes, and all it takes is one random physical event.  It’s hard saying what all praying mantis creatures are like, but this one I met this week has convinced me that some of them are definitely amazing and good.

So the interaction with this creature was mental and visual.  It took place in my mind, but also projected outward and into my room, and I could also feel its feelings and form.  We all have a doorway in our mind, it’s called the third eye.  You can use it to communicate with anyone you want to in the universe, and in any time and place.  You could even talk to Hitler if you wanted to, but that’s only if he has an awareness of this form of communication, then he can acknowledge you and respond.   Human beings have been dummied down so we aren’t fully aware of what comes naturally to a majority of species throughout the universe, and I’m almost certain that even animals use their third eye to communicate.   But moving along, I met the praying mantis at the usual hour when most matters of weirdness take place.  The first interaction happened around 4 am in the morning. This is the hour when I’m in a sleepy, relaxed, and non-judgmental state.  I woke with no explanation and began contemplating the praying mantis alien.  I must have sensed there was a connection building as I suddenly spoke in my mind.  The clarity and sound was not what I expected, it was loud, I can’t even recall exactly what I said, but it was in response to a sensation I had that this creature was trying to talk to me.  I said something  in the effect of, “I will only speak to you if your intentions are good and kind, I choose not to speak to creatures who wish to harm me.”  It was baffling what came next.  It was an amazing feeling of extreme kindness, gentility, and patience.  I was astounded by it; it felt like pure peacefulness, coziness, and harmony of some unimaginable kind.  I felt no fear at all.  I felt so peaceful and relaxed that I really disconnected with the sensation of being human, I actually felt like I was inside the praying mantis itself.  I really couldn’t tell there was any separation between my mind and body and the praying mantis's mind and body.

He showed me a field, it was full of dark green grass, about knee height, and speckled with flowers and one of them I saw had red petals.  There was a forest of trees on one side of the field and in the distance was a mountain range.  The purity and cleanliness of this natural world was unimaginable.  I’m sure you can still find it in places on Earth, but I’m not used to knowing what a pristine natural world feels like or looks like.  I remembered thinking about how I’ve seen praying mantis insects at Grays Lake, and there was one summer, I found several of them blending in with the green stems of different flowered bushes.  This field made me think of that.

One thing I can tell you about alien communication, advanced alien communication does not take words to make statements.  They use images and feelings to create messages.  I didn’t need the praying mantis to say a word for me to have a very clear understanding of its beauty and kindness and goodness.  I will tell you, it did have very large eyes and like an upside down triangle shaped head with antennas or feelers, the mouth was definitely insect like.  They do have a type of tongue.  I can tell you this because I really did feel like I was a praying mantis for a brief time.  This creature had amazing beautiful wings that it fluttered, I wasn’t expecting that, I didn’t even know the praying mantis had wings.  During this interaction, the image morphed and it seemed as though there are different versions of this form.  Like some could be more man-like with a praying mantis shaped face and some can be far more insect-like.  It seems as though they all have wings.  When they are happy, they flutter them, at least that was my impression.  It’s sort of like their version of laughter or, where we would hoot and holler and jump up and down in excitement and joy, it would be one of those moments when they would flutter their wings as an expression of joy.

This creature has visited me several more times.  I’m far less uncomfortable about its form, in fact, I see it as incredibly beautiful.  I think it’s because of the goodness that comes from it, it would be impossible to see it as ugly, because it is so pure and pristine and kind, just like the natural world it showed me.  Praying Mantis Man did share something unexpected with me though.  I’m going to try to share it with you.  It showed me how all actions on the minuscule level also take place on the major level.  All things have a mirrored reaction that continues to take place on scales from tiny to extremely large.  Its like a continuous ripple that never stops going, from a puddle, into a pond, into a lake, into the ocean, it just keeps going.  For instance, we all have cells that make up our bodies, that would be in the micro level. Then we are all people that inhabit the Earth, that would be the next level, and then there are planets and stars that make up the universe.  All of these levels are living bodies.  It doesn’t seem that way, but it really is that way.  The clarity of this message was astounding, and for me to try and put it into words is so difficult.  I’m actually not using the example the praying mantis man gave me, because the example he gave me isn’t exactly something you tell other people.  Only because it’s not a human way of explaining things, but it seems to be the best way of explaining it, so I’m going to tell you, regardless of what you will think of me.  The praying mantis man shared a few images and feelings, it shared what was a simultaneous feeling and image of pure ecstasy and he showed me how this feeling and image has a mirrored response on the micro and macro level.  It showed me how the universe is created in the same way that babies are created.  The birth of the universe, actually takes place through sexual intercourse from species across the entire universe.  I’m serious.  Every orgasm that is ever had by any physical form in the universe, has a mirrored physical response on the macro level in space.  It literally looks like the grand finale at the best 4th of July fireworks you’ve ever seen, then times that by like 1 million.  It literally looked like that, like explosions of beautiful fireworks taking place on the macro level, in space.   This sounds really stupid, but that same thing happens when a man releases inside of a woman, these were the unexpected images that were shared by the Praying Mantis Man, I am 100 million percent not weird, I'm serious.

Now, just think, if that is true, human beings need to spend way more time making love, it has such a powerful impactful and amazing response in the universe, and that is what the praying mantis man showed me.  There was so much information involved with this message so I’m going to tell you a little more.   And I really hate to break the joy of these images, but I’m going to, because we need to bring it all back into focus on our human sexuality, because what primarily exists on this planet is rape, the deformation of our sexual organs in both men and women, 80% of our day is going to school, studying, or working a full time job and being a parent, or being a drug or alcohol abuser.  So little time is focused on being pure and sharing love and loving interactions with each other.  Then there is so much focus on perfecting your human form so you are either starving yourself, over eating, or exercising way too much, or drinking, and it doesn’t matter which bracket you fall in, 90% of all humans are not satisfied with their physical forms.  This also creates unbalanced sexual relationships.  You have to remember, the praying mantis man showed me how all actions on the micro level, have simultaneous reactions on the macro level.  It’s like karma, whatever you give in this lifetime, you receive in the next lifetime.  Everything is constantly acting and reacting everywhere.   The most purest form of ecstasy is an orgasm, and the birth of an orgasm also takes place in the universe at the same simultaneous moment, and what happens on the micro level also happens on the macro level and it is absolutely unimaginably astounding and incredible.

I did not expect praying mantis man to show me this, and the information took 10 seconds or less for him to tell me all of this in a few images and emotions.  I was so overwhelmed, it really was the most powerful message I’d ever had.  It is clearly an important message for today and all of humanity because so much of the energy we express in the world doesn’t come close to daily orgasms and it needs to.  It’s not just about the birth of the universe, it’s about the birth of joy in every single one of us and the universe is affected by our misery, it seriously is.  I think that’s why I needed this message, so I could  share it with people, because I really believe species across the universe and the universe itself can feel the energy we give off and it feels like living in a garbage dump world, when it could really feel like a beautiful pristine field of natural beauty.


11/11 WISDOM

Happy 11/11! This video is to share insights on how to have psychic interactions with alien beings. In addition, I talk a lot about my personal, real life psychic experiences with the astral plane, alien and spirit beings, with energy frequencies, and what it’s like to translate these extraordinary moments into normal human life. I do a journey on myself which shares deeper messages about my personal life experience. This is a really dynamic video that shares how-to wisdom, along with a grounded conversation about my normal psychic life. I hope you enjoy the message. I also encourage you to check out two YouTube channels. My friend Joseph Bradley can be accessed at: Joseph Bradley, Spiritual Healer & Teacher, and my Japanese friend K. Angel can be accessed at: K. Angel Divine Angel Place. We all did a video for this super 1111 day, all at the same time, and we all are sharing our own messages from spirit today.


Joseph Bradley, Spiritual Healer & Teacher

⭐ 1111 Meditation Journey With Seraphim Angel & Light Language Healing


K. Angel Divine Angel Place

⭐ 11.11. アセンションメッセージ Divine Message スピリットからのメッセージ11月11日



This video directly relays messages from a Praying Mantis Alien, whom I call, Praying Mantis Man. This being is entirely loving and compassionate. He shares love with our planet and with human beings, every day. He really showcases several ideas. One is the desire within the human heart to see and experience benevolent alien beings, directly helping us on our planet. He reminds us of how we treat our insects and how it is not safe for his kind to visit our planet to help us heal. He does emphasis the importance in gravitating away from political agendas and focusing on the Earth. His literal message is for human beings to say, ‘I vote for Mother Earth.’ Only Mother Earth can change our society from a Fear-based society into a Love-based society. When Mother Earth receives warmth and love and attention, she then returns warmth and love and attention in ways that are superiorly healing. When we heal Mother Earth he is able to heal our ability to love and embrace each other in ways where we are currently unable. He shows how human beings don’t trust each other and we still gravitate toward the old ways of politics to create trust, when this is not true healing. When the Earth is healed, human beings heal their bodies and their relationships with each other. Praying Mantis Man asks you to reach your hand back to him for inspirations and healing, as he has a deep love and appreciation for human beings and our planet Earth. He wants to heal us, he wants to be involved in helping us. He is very clear that he cannot come to our planet to help us, but he can help us at a distance, and he wants to heal human beings and heal Mother Earth. I hope you found the message inspiring and healing, thank you for watching!



Ipaygus has really touched my heart over the years, I hope these channeled messages touch yours too! 



This video directly relays messages from a Praying Mantis Alien, whom I call, Praying Mantis Man. This being is entirely loving and compassionate. He shares love with our planet and with human beings, every day. He really showcases several ideas. One is the desire within the human heart to see and experience benevolent alien beings, directly helping us on our planet. He reminds us of how we treat our insects and how it is not safe for his kind to visit our planet to help us heal. He does emphasis the importance in gravitating away from political agendas and focusing on the Earth. His literal message is for human beings to say, ‘I vote for Mother Earth.’ Only Mother Earth can change our society from a Fear-based society into a Love-based society. When Mother Earth receives warmth and love and attention, she then returns warmth and love and attention in ways that are superiorly healing. When we heal Mother Earth he is able to heal our ability to love and embrace each other in ways where we are currently unable. He shows how human beings don’t trust each other and we still gravitate toward the old ways of politics to create trust, when this is not true healing. When the Earth is healed, human beings heal their bodies and their relationships with each other. Praying Mantis Man asks you to reach your hand back to him for inspirations and healing, as he has a deep love and appreciation for human beings and our planet Earth. He wants to heal us, he wants to be involved in helping us. He is very clear that he cannot come to our planet to help us, but he can help us at a distance, and he wants to heal human beings and heal Mother Earth. I hope you found the message inspiring and healing, thank you for watching!



Below are links to a series of flip-books full of writing from 2013-2016.  There is plenty to dive into, including more stories with all my alien friends and human life learning!



I have met many interesting interdimensional beings over the years.  Below is a colorful list of visitors and my memories with them!

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