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It's now September of 2023.  What you're about to digest is content I put together, sometime between 2013 and 2016.  I've also included on this page, a small library of old videos with Reggie, hence the reason I call this section of my website, Abbey's Ancient History.  You'll also find links to several flip-books worth of my old blog writing along with a list of links to more interdimensional visitors I've met along the way.  While this is still, Abbey's Ancient History, I anticipate adding a twist of modern updates to breath life back into the old material.  Keep an eye on my Website Updates to see where I'm putting my energy each month.  It may just reference a re-visit and expansion to this section as I would certainly love to add updated stories and videos for each of my alien friends.

Thank you for your kind interest in my strange life stories! 




I was coloring with Sharpie markers when Reggie appeared on the paper.  It's not easy to correct mistakes with Sharpie markers, so I'm going with it, and there's a lot of crazy sunshine around Reggie!


Reggie is entirely new to me; I have only discovered him over the last few days of January and first few days of February, 2016.  He is quite mind-blowing as I didn’t have any intention of channeling an African Alien.  He has black skin and looks entirely human, but is of another planet.  He is extremely pronounced in his desire to help humans of a black skin tone to remember their birthright as a creation, but more so than that, to balance our relationships between creations of all colors on this planet.   But he showcases the sun as the Mother of African people, and really pushes that black people need to rejoice in the sun and the gift of their skin, and to rejoice too in the gift of their smiles, their song, and their dance.  This is the message he shared with me in the video I recently channeled with him.


I’ve named him Reggie, although he’s told me many names he goes by.  I’m discovering there is far more to this entity than meets the eye.  What I experience as a superior spiritual being, a very dark blue colored soul, a very loud expression that is demanding human beings choose to love each other. He shows himself in other forms he has taken in the universe, one is this African man who assisted a great deal with pouring love and establishing balance with his people and their planet. He desires to do the same with Earth, to establish balance with people and planet.  I’m not going to lie, he’s almost too loud to tolerate, his energy is like the volume on super blast and it is overwhelming. The spirit world says its only on blast because of his desperate need to help and not being able to get the messages through, so what is a voice that finally found me is pouring into me like an avalanche of sound. Super imperative we create balance and love through spiritual understanding – not human evaluations or ego, but spiritual wisdom and understanding of the gift of variety and the joy that comes when we cherish all creations as unique gifts of love, whether they live on this planet or beyond. There is more to come from this super amazing being, and I look forward to the time when I can share it!



This video is to showcase the voice of a black alien whom I call, Reggie. He’s extremely loud, and happy, and joyful. He rejoices in the sun, each and every day. There is no sadness that he feels and he gravitates to Earth to share messages with humans of black color, to remind them of the purpose of themselves as a creation in the universe.


Black human expressions exist in many places in the universe, and black human expressions are gifts of the sun. They are the balancers and harmonizers of the universe. Reggie was extremely loud and insistent on showcasing how black people smile bigger, laugh louder, dance harder, drum with greater passion than any other color in creation. He said that this is the gift of black people, and they need to be in oneness with themselves and in love with who and what they are as a creation.


It is discussed in the video that higher dimensional beings were aware of the gifts that black people provide. What I’m talking about is Draconian Race and the manipulation of a planet. It has been imperative that black people be suppressed and potentially annihilated as a means to prevent their natural healing gifts of rhythm and joy from reaching other human beings, the Earth, and the universe. They manipulated other races into perceiving that their color was superior because it was more aligned with what is white light, and black skin then was more aligned with the shadow or darkness. This was the manipulation that has suppressed the natural expression of black human beings.


This has to change, and Reggie is very loud and wants the black human beings on Earth to see and feel and know their birthright is a reflection of the sunlight, to rejoice in the sunlight as he does, and to feel alive and natural with the rhythms, and sounds, and laughter, and joy that is entirely a part of the black genetic makeup.



Reggie has really touched my heart over the years, I hope these channeled messages touch yours too! 

Are There African Aliens? Channeling Reggie: Let the Light of the Stars Heal You!

Are There African Aliens? Channeling Reggie: Let the Light of the Stars Heal You!

✨ Book A Psychic Session Hello Everybody! I channel Reggie the African Alien. That's what I've always called him. Is he an African Alien or is he an angel? I met him almost 5 years ago now, while doing some artwork, his face just started to appear on the paper. Reggie is deeply loving being, a soulmate, and ray of sunlight for all of us on planet Earth. He shares a moving message, venting his feelings about planet Earth today and sharing support and guidance to help us all. He also introduces me to a mysterious Asian man, who we get to know in this video. This message is more than just the words, it's the beauty of diversity and friendship, and be prepared to receive a powerful healing for your heart, your breath, and your well-being. I hope you all enjoy this message, have a wonderful day! CHECK OUT THESE AWESOME VIDEOS & MORE!!! ⭐ Feline Star-Being Council #Lyrans ⭐ How to Connect & Heal with your Higher Self - IT STARTS WITH YOUR HEART! ⭐ Channeling Star Guy: Loving Alien Wisdom & Blue Sapphire Healing ⭐ Channeling Avery the Human Alien: Loving Wisdom from the Stars ► Patreon ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ⭐ Subscribe! New Videos Every Week! ⭐ Abbey's Psychic Services: Sharing Client Psychic Sessions ❤️ Zodiac Energy Readings: Catch Up on Monthly Zodiac Energy Readings ❤️ Joseph Bradley, Spiritual Healer & Teacher 💚 Joseph is an amazing spiritual healer and teacher, and I absolutely love working with him. He has helped me so much in my life and I am delighted to encourage you to see what he is sharing each week! #AbbeyNormal #Reggie #Wisdom
Channeling Reggie: Your Life Path is Divinely Guided 💙 Abbey Normal's Wisdom Quest

Channeling Reggie: Your Life Path is Divinely Guided 💙 Abbey Normal's Wisdom Quest

♥ Book A Psychic Session ♥ This Psychic Channeling is with Reggie the African Alien, who shares a powerful message about trusting in your Divine Pathway. Even when it feels you can’t see the path beneath your feet, trust that you are guided, let go of fears and worries. There is a beautiful message at the end, about the connection of us all, and the experience of celebration and love of each other! ☆ Subscribe! New Videos Every Week! ☆ ► Patreon ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ♥ Abbey’s Psychic Services ♥ Watch Abbey Normal provide Distance Spiritual Healing and Psychic Wisdom sessions for the expansion of the Collective Consciousness. These are completed Psychic Services where the client has provided approval for their psychic experience to be shared openly on YouTube! ♥ Joseph Bradley, Spiritual Healer & Teacher ♥ Joseph is an amazing spiritual healer and teacher, and I absolutely love working with him. He has helped me so much in my life and I am delighted to encourage you to see what he is sharing each week! #AbbeyNormal #AfricanAlien #PsychicWisdom


This video is to showcase the voice of a black alien whom I call, Reggie. He’s extremely loud and happy and joyful. He rejoices in the sun, each and every day. There is no sadness that he feels and he gravitates to Earth to share messages with humans of black color, to remind them of the purpose of themselves as a creation in the universe. Black human expressions exist in many places in the universe, and black human expressions are gifts of the sun. They are the balancers and harmonizers of the universe. Reggie was extremely loud and insistent on showcasing how black people smile bigger, laugh louder, dance harder, drum with greater passion than any other color in creation. He said that this is the gift of black people, and they need to be in oneness with themselves and in love with who and what they are as a creation. It is discussed in the video that higher dimensional beings were aware of the gifts that black people provide. What I’m talking about is Draconian Race and the manipulation of a planet. It has been imperative that black people be suppressed and potentially annihilated as a means to prevent their natural healing gifts of rhythm and joy from reaching other human beings, the Earth, and the universe. They manipulated other races into perceiving that their color was superior because it was more aligned with what is white light, and black skin then was more aligned with the shadow or darkness. This was the manipulation that has suppressed the natural expression of black human beings. This has to change, and Reggie is very loud and wants the black human beings on Earth to see and feel and know their birthright is a reflection of the sunlight, to rejoice in the sunlight as he does, and to feel alive and natural with the rhythms and sounds and laughter and joy that is entirely a part of the black genetic makeup.



Below are links to a series of flip-books full of writing from 2013-2016.  There is plenty to dive into, stories on interdimensional visitors and my human life experiences!



I have met many interesting interdimensional beings over the years.  Below is a colorful list of visitors and my memories with them!

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